Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Check Out This Blog!

No funny caption here, I like being efficient on and off the bike!
So a large motivating factor for me cycling in general, but especially commuting, is that I want to make as small of a negative impact on the environment as possible.  Bicycles being among the most efficient, but also most entertaining, modes of transportation makes it an easy choice for me to ride whenever possible.

I also think that it is important to do whatever possible in other areas of life to be more efficient and less wasteful.  Being creative while doing so is great too.  That is why I think everyone should check out Earthly Ashley's Blog.

Yes, her blog looks a lot nicer than mine!

Ashley's blog covers a lot of cool areas like recycling/environmental pointers, arts and crafts using recycled objects, and ideas about how to live healthier and be kinder to our environment.  All very important things, and I think many cyclists will be able to relate to many of the topics she covers.  Also, and probably most interesting to cyclists, she posts some interesting food info, ideas, and recipes.  That should definitely be interesting to any hungry riders out there.

Now, in full disclosure, I should mention she is my partner.  That said, I have not been coerced into this endorsement in any way!  We are both trying to make positive changes in the way we think, act, and generally live, and for anyone else interested she has the perfect blog for you!

So check it out, I'm sure you will enjoy it, and you will learn a lot of awesome stuff!

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